A magical, intentional space for you honor your writing soul and finally write the book you’ve been dreaming of.
Six months, two writing retreats, six workshops, daily connection, intentional and committed growth.
Your words have the power to change the world.
Books challenge societal norms, provoke thought, and introduce perspectives that foster empathy and understanding. Our words have the potential to spark movements, challenge injustices, and leave a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of readers.
Both fiction and non-fiction writers have the ability to delve into critical issues, propose solutions, and ignite discussions that can lead to real world change. Through the lens of imagination, fiction writers offer insights into the human condition, challenging perceptions and inviting readers to confront uncomfortable truths.
Non-fiction serves as a direct conduit to reality, presenting meticulously researched facts, uncovering systemic issues, and providing tangible solutions. Together, these two literary forms shape our understanding of the world and inspiring transformative action.
We’re not just storytellers. We’re architects of societal evolution. Through the narratives we create, we contribute to shaping a more enlightened, compassionate, and interconnected world.
Each book becomes a small yet significant step towards positive change in our global community.
What is a mastermind?
A “mastermind” is a group of people who hold each other accountable for their goals and drive each other to reach their highest potentials of success.
The Burgeon Mastermind is a meeting of the minds, a space where you share ideas, insights, and support with other likeminded individuals to elevate your writing life.
“Visualizing a happier, more just world is a direct assault on the forces that are trying to break your heart. As Le Guin says elsewhere, the most powerful thing you can do is imagine how things could be different … What if?”
-Charlie Jane Anders
A writing life of your own
Maybe you’re a writer weary of conforming to patriarchal, hustle culture writing standards. You’re ready to blaze your own path, and find out what works for you in this season of your writing.
Or maybe you have always harbored the dream of writing a book, a collection of stories, a play, or a screenplay, but find yourself unsure of where to begin. Maybe you’re not sure what your voice sounds like. Or where to find inspiration.
This is a sanctuary carved out specifically for you—an inviting space where you can pursue your writing dreams in the company of supportive, incredible individuals.
It’s time to write that book you’ve been dreaming about.
Ready to leave a lasting impact?
The Burgeon Mastermind, spanning from January to June 2024, is for individuals who've ever contemplated writing—whether it's a book, a poem, a screenplay, a graphic novel—if you've ever found yourself saying, "I want to try writing," this is the space for you, where anything and everything related to writing is not only welcome but encouraged.
What will we cover?
Because this group is so intimate, the content will be designed to meet the needs of the group and will be tailored based on our collective goals and desires. I’ll also bring in industry professionals to tackle topics of interest for the group.
Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering over the next 6 months:
✦ Discovering your why and overcoming mindset blocks
✦ Setting writing goals and a writing schedule that fits your unique life
✦ Experimenting with form and discovering your message and themes
✦ Finding your unique voice and lens
✦ Craft elements, such as character motivation, structure and plot, and worldbuilding
✦ The business side of being a writer and the different courses of action (how to make money, how to query literary agents, etc).
✦ How to write during turbulent times
✦ Writing as catharsis, empowerment, and healing
…and more
Our 2023 special guests were…
Literary Agent Carly Watters: The Business of How Authors Make Money
Eliot West, an independent editor and educator specializing in romance and fantasy fiction
Maria Tureaud, author of The Last Hope in Hopetown
Literary Agent Hannah VanVels Ausbury: Agent Q&A
Joy Sullivan, a poet and educator, author of Instructions for Traveling West
Daniel Mauleon, author of over 20 books for kids
Marketing Expert Stephanie Moon: How to be a Good Partner to Your Publishers' Marketing Team
Amanda Glaze, author of The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond, a B&N Bookclub Pick
Rachel May, writer and co-founder of Golden May Editing
Tiffany Clarke Harrison, author mentor & author of Blue Hour, Barack Obama’s 2023 Summer Reading List & Vulture’s Best Books of 2023 list
Judy I. Lin, #1 New York Times-Best Selling author of The Book of Tea Duology
Emily Golden, writer and co-founder of Golden May Editing
Our 2024 guests will be tailored to our 2024 cohort.

“Working with Tiffany was and is absolutely wonderful. We built a trust I genuinely don’t have with most people in my life. Her level of give-a-damn is so encouraging, largely because she so clearly is rooting for me and my stories.”
“When the Mastermind started, I was nearly done my draft. I thought…Then I dove into the Mastermind, and LEARNED. I worked with my characters. My mind cracked open, and so did my story. And suddenly, my ‘almost done’ became months more of work, and thousands more words, in the very best way.
About halfway through the mastermind, I finished my draft! And then, as I went into a slow phase, where I let my draft rest, and played with other ideas, the Mastermind kept me going and focused on my creativity. It gave me people to show up for, and reasons to get back in front of my story. The retreat, once again, cracked my brain open, and book two went from a vague inclination to a full-fledged storyline.
It is truly transformative, both for your writing, and for how your writing holds space in your life. If someone is wondering if it’s worth it… it is.
My writing process now is completely different! I used to struggle with guilt, and my writing was always at the bottom of my time management. Now writing is an integral part of my life.
Working with Tiffany was and is absolutely wonderful. We built a trust I genuinely don’t have with most people in my life. Her level of give-a-damn is so encouraging, largely because she so clearly is rooting for me and my stories. It’s been an honor to work with her. Thank you, Tiffany!
Writers, this is for you if you want…
✦ guidance and support, not to be told what to do
✦ accountability for reaching deadlines
✦ to fall back in love with writing
✦ to make the process feel sexy
✦ to discover your voice, your story, and your message
✦ to learn to trust yourself to create a great story
✦ to finish your draft, finish revisions, start sending your work out into the world
✦ to complete “revise and resubmits” from literary agents
✦ to go past the basics you can google
✦ to apply for an MFA, but not the two year commitment of one
This mastermind is not for you if you’re:
Looking for a quick fix
Looking for a do-it-for-you program or editing service (such as developmental editing)
Not willing to do the work needed to complete your writing goals (hit word counts, complete the exercises, show up to your writing, etc)
What’s included?
✦ Monthly virtual workshops.
Each workshop will be focused on a topic designed to educate you on various writing craft and writing life elements, as well as inspire and nurture your writing growth. These workshops will be 2-3 hours long and will include instruction, exercises, time for reflection and exploration, and ample space for individual feedback and questions.
✦ An intensive 2 day virtual retreat.
Our virtual retreat will be in May 2024. This will be primarily focused on providing a space to write and play, as well as find inspiration, passion, and clarity in your writing. We’ll bring in guest experts, such as authors, literary agents, book marketing experts, editors, etc.
✦ An add-on option for our February in-person retreat.
We understand that not everyone can take time off and travel to an in-person retreat, so this year we’ve included it as an optional add-on. Our in-person retreat will be held at KEX in Portland, Oregon on Friday, February 23rd to Monday, February 26th, 2024. This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in inspiration, revive your creative self, & experience deep rejuvenation in the heart of Portland.
✦ Smaller peer groups separated into fiction and non-fiction tracks.
These groups are the perfect place to form writing friendships and critique partners, get specific feedback, and ask questions.
✦ Invitation to present a topic to gain experience presenting a workshop or seminar.
In true masterminding fashion, you’re an expert and you are more than welcome to present to the group! In our 2023 mastermind, our amazing students spoke on: horror writing, writing the uncanny, how to write queer characters as a straight author, and how to write multi-pov romance books.
✦ Private community and group chat.
Direct access to writing coach and editor, Tiffany Grimes, and this amazing group via a private community and group chat. These connections in the chat have the ability to transform your writing career. Weekly writing sessions, sprints, and prompts, as well as beta reader match ups are coordinated through the group chat.
✦ Publication in The Burgeon Zine.
The Burgeon Zine is our writer’s showcase and is a collection of excerpts from our work over the six months we work together. This zine will be available both online and in print.
✦ Monthly 1:1 coaching calls with book editor Tiffany Grimes.
Each month we’ll connect and make progress toward your personal writing goals. During these calls, past students have opted to get feedback on their writing, work through mindset blocks, polish query letters and book proposals, and more. I’ll read up to 30 pages per month. Option to upgrade for a full read through and edit of your book.
✦ Book bundle of books from our select guest speakers.
Since our guests are tailored to the group, these books are not chosen just yet! But you’ll receive them before the author panel, either at our virtual retreat or one of our monthly workshops.
✦ Agent pitch event.
Pitching is an oral version of a query letter and offers the chance to captivate literary agents with your manuscript and receive an invitation to query. This will be an optional event and will allow you to garner interest in your manuscript or practice your pitch. Agent lineup to be revealed later, but will include Hannah VanVels Ausbury of Belcastro Agency. Date will be announced later.
Monthly Themes
Setting intentions and letting go of mindset blocks
The heart of the story
February 23-26th - In-person retreat
Writing your story for impact
Mid-goal check in and realignment
The business of being a writer
Virtual retreat - date tbd
Assess and recalibrate - Next steps in your writing journey
We’ll choose our workshop and virtual retreat dates and times as a group.

“I found a group of people that will always be in my life because writing is now a huge part of who I am and that has made me whole again.”
“With only dreams and aspirations of being a writer, I shelved those dreams for forty five years. Through the years my husband always believed in my dream and was a constant source of encouragement, but I felt I had put those things behind me. Either too afraid or insecure to begin writing again, in early 2016 with his encouragement I decided to give it a try and in July 2018 I had finished my first novel. One month after I finished my novel, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Overcoming that made me realize any dreams I had were worth realizing. So 2023 was my year to make it happen. I knew it needed help and just the right person and in that I found Tiffany and the Burgeon Mastermind. She was referred to me by another amazing writer who has become a dear friend. I joined because I wanted to grow as a writer and realize a dream that I have always carried in my heart. Joining the Burgeon Mastermind, meeting Tiffany and all the other writers has changed me and grown me in ways I could have never expected. It's the best thing I've ever done that was just for me.
I am a big believer in magic! I always have been. My time with the Burgeon Mastermind has been nothing short of pure magic. My life has been devoted to my family so to do something just for myself just felt selfish. I didn't realize that by doing this how much I would grow and how that would spill over into every part of my life. I've been my family's biggest cheerleader and to see them cheering me on, believing in my dreams, you can't put a price on that.
Throughout the course I joined my first ever writing competition, shared by a fellow masterminder, and actually placed in the first round. I didn't place in the second round, but loved the feedback and nature of the challenge so much that I'm participating in the next competition and look forward to many more. Another surprising accomplishment, I wrote a short story for the Burgeon Zine that truly struck a cord in me. I'm currently working on turning it into a novel. I'm most proud of finding the part of myself I had let go of, learning it's never too late to believe in your dreams. I found a group of people that will always be in my life because writing is now a huge part of who I am and that has made me whole again.”
Meet your host
Hi, I’m Tiffany Grimes
Pronouns: she/they
Not only have I worked with hundreds of writers just like you, on everything from character motivation to deepening themes, working through mindset blocks, plotting, and more, but I’m a writer, too.
I write messy queer characters who take up space, get in trouble, and are already out. I’ve got an MFA in writing, crave stories that delve into the deepest truths, and am obsessed with my cats.
And I’m here to guide you through finishing your draft, brainstorming for your next project, revisions, whatever you need. Because your story deserves to be told.
-Cat parent to Jackson and Sybil
-Personality Type: INFP; Enneagram: 2; Human design: Generator; Astrology: Sun: Libra, Moon: Sagittarius, Rising: Sagittarius
-Favorite hobbies: Hiking and traveling
-Favorite caffeinated beverage: Chai latte
-Favorite non-caffeinated beverage: Grape Olipop
-Favorite genre to write: Speculative fiction/magical realism
-Guilty pleasure: Watching terrible tv shows & movies that usually get cancelled after a season or two

No matter what you write—from short stories to romantic fantasy to books about mindfulness—we’ll create powerful writing practices that fit your life and have a massive impact on the world.
Aspiring novelists
Published authors
Genre writers
Short story writers
Self-discovery writers
Young adult writers
Middle grade writers
Children’s book writers
Non-fiction writers
…and creators who simply love to write
Come as you are. It's the unique blend of diverse backgrounds and skill levels that makes our group truly exceptional and brings greatness to each member's writing journey.
You’re not the type to do things the normal way. You’re a maverick, a non-conformist, an individualist, a trailblazer. You break rules and have an big impact on the world and the people around you.
If you’re a maverick, outsider, rebel, renegade, dissenter, disruptor, or free spirit, this mastermind is for you.

“In January, I was trudging along, hoping I was writing something that would be well loved but not convinced. Now, I'm writing a book that I'm excited to show up to every day and know will enamor its target audience.”
“I have a better understanding of my work, of who I am as a writer, and what I expect from the publishing industry. I wasn't sure if the stage I was at (finishing the first draft of one book and starting another one) was cohesive with the structure of the mastermind program. However, everyone in the group and Tiffany have shown up with immense love and support for both book and all of my characters. AND I adore all the writers!! Everyone is so talented and has such a rich, wonderful stories in them! I love that I'm able to support them and show up for them in every way I can!
The Burgeon Mastermind program offers a tight-knit community that empowers you and shows you you're not alone. Tiffany arranges for well-known and reputable speakers from all corners of the publishing industry and they teach workshops on subjects very relevant to the writers in the cohort. It's worth putting money into, especially if you're debating between a writing program like this or an MFA.
I feel more confident in my books and my writing! In January, I was trudging along, hoping I was writing something that would be well loved but not convinced. Now, I'm writing a book that I'm excited to show up to every day and know will enamor its target audience.”
Writing communities change lives
After earning my MFA in creative writing, I was lost. It was this thing that everyone accepted as fact: when you leave the program, you’ll enter the mysterious abyss. After 2 years of structure, suddenly not having deadlines was unimaginable. For some, it lasts longer than others. For me? It lasted years. I learned how important being surrounded by other writers is, and how much the right writers in your community matters.
The right people in your community will inspire you, motivate you, challenge you, and cheer you on.
In six months, you’ll see more growth in your writing than ever before, because not only are you showing up as your full potential, but so is everyone else.
The Burgeon Mastermind is an investment of time, energy, and money, but you will absolutely get as much out of it as you put in. Masterminds are usually quite expensive (tens of thousands of dollars), but I wanted to create a space that was as affordable as possible while also providing you with a space where you can learn and grow.
This is a six-month commitment, because six months is the perfect amount of time for setting writing habits, creating lifelong writing friendships, and seeing actual progress in your writing life.

“It was a productive time for me. I felt immersed in the program and loved the community. I feel like I've grown as a writer, and I'm proud of the projects I've completed.”
“When I joined the Mastermind in January, I was revising one project and finishing the first draft of another. I joined the Mastermind because I wanted support during drafting and revisions, and I wanted to connect with other writers and industry professionals during the monthly workshops and retreats.
By the end of the Mastermind, I finished revisions on both projects, started drafting a new project, began querying a book in earnest, and completed a couple of short stories. It was a productive time for me. I felt immersed in the program and loved the community. I feel like I've grown as a writer, and I'm proud of the projects I've completed.
I received a deeper understanding of the industry, broadening my knowledge of different writing techniques, learning how to delve into things in my writing that make me uncomfortable, a feeling of close community, joy and friendship!
I liked the community of amazing writers the best, one-on-one time with Tiffany, and our in-person retreat. The Mastermind was a commitment to our passion and a willingness to set goals and challenge ourselves. It was a fantastic experience!
I've expanded my expectations of my writing and gained confidence. I think the part of the process that is most difficult is being vulnerable, and I think Tiffany did a good job encouraging us to explore vulnerability and supporting us through it. There was so much joy and laughter.”

What if you could finally write the book you’ve been dreaming of?
Take control of your writing life with our six-month mastermind dedicated to providing you with accountability, industry knowledge, and the space to make your writing dreams a reality.
This is a community of writers who support and lift each other up with a fiercely loyal, intense passion. Lifelong friendships are forged here.
Set goals and intentions and work toward them alongside others who have the same big, beautiful goals as you do.
Discover your unique voice, the story only you can write, and how you can change the world through your writing.
Transform your work with our guidance and collaboration and completely reshape the way you excel in your writing process.

“The draft so far is so much powerful, raw, honest and grounded. I am so proud of my work… and the path that the mastermind set me on.”
“I had written a draft I loved with a wiki for my world, but struggling with the central conflict and how to make it thread through the novel organically.
By the end, I had learned SO much about craft. I had created a theme, story points and character arcs that connected with each other, the characters, the conflicts and the resolutions. I am only a third of the way through my re-write, but the core thread is bright in my mind, and the draft so far is so much powerful, raw, honest and grounded. I am so proud of my work… and the path that the mastermind set me on.
I wasn’t sure if I could write from my female protagonist’s point of view. I learned what her arc meant to her and then couldn’t not write from her perspective.
The community. The workshops. The diversity of genres, writing and experiences. Actually the workshops. Getting to learn, discuss, laugh. The in-person retreat was particularly amazing! Shadow self, tarot cards, s’mores, the accommodations, walks, poetry out of stones, meeting everyone (!!), meeting you Tiffany, the gifts were lovely! Use the tea brewer/filter almost every day!
You really get out of it what you put in. In terms of community, craft and mindset.
I’m also more relaxed, but more productive. Less worried about how much I’ve done. More concerned the process feels good, true and grounded.”
Frequently asked questions
We all have different lifestyles and different goals, so we'll work to create goals that work for you and your life. The energy of the rest of the group will help us stay consistent and keep showing up. We're all at different stages of the writing process, so rest will be built into your schedule too. Some of us will be drafting, some editing, and some refilling their creative well. All are welcome here.
We're never going to make you share your work or speak to the group if you aren't comfortable. We'll also be breaking into smaller groups for a more intimate setting so you can actually get to know each other and form deeper connections that can be hard to get within a larger setting. I'm also willing to get personal and open up to help make it an even playing field, because I'd never expect you to open up without opening up myself.
It's impossible show up fully for an entire 6 months. We honor the entire creativity cycle (rest too!), so you'll be able to show up as much as you can and need. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle.
We're not going to become different people, so there's no reason to try to shove ourselves into someone else's writing process. You're still a writer if you write on your phone in between appointments or if you don't write every day. This is about creating a process that you can take with you beyond the program.
You'll absolutely have access to me throughout the entire 6 months. You'll be able to ask questions that are specific to your life and your writing through our workshops or via our Slack group, and we’ll have 1:1 monthly coaching sessions together.
I'm active in the Slack community Monday-Friday to answer any questions and brainstorm with you. We'll also have write alongs scheduled between our monthly workshops to write together as well.
It will work for you if you have an open heart and an open mind. We're going to meet you where you at. And if you get stuck, we're here to help unstuck you, however that looks for you.
The magic of a group program is that we get to hear other people's struggles and see different ways to work through problems. A lot of breakthroughs happen this way! Plus we get to cheer each other on and push each other to meet our goals, no matter how large or small they may be.
I’ll be personally looking over each application with care. My intention is to curate a group of writers who are likeminded and passionate about taking their writing seriously in 2024.
It’s important to me to pay our guest experts fair compensation for their time. This price point allows me to do that, while also ensuring that our masterminders are serious about contributing and engaging with the group.
Yes, we can create custom payment plans of up to six payments.
The in-person retreat will be full of writing, talking about writing, collaborating, and refilling your creative well.
And the virtual retreat is where we’ll have a variety of workshops and guest speakers to talk about all aspects of writing and publishing. These experts are chosen based on the needs of the group. -
In the past, I have scheduled these ahead of time, but this time we’re going to vote on the times as a group.
I want to ensure that everyone has a chance to attend as many of the workshops in person as possible.
These will also be recorded.
In addition to our group workshops, we’ll schedule weekly writing sessions throughout the six months to cowork together.
$4,800 USD
$1,250 USD (+ room selection)
$2,600 USD

“I finished a draft of my second book during the mastermind, and started revisions on that book. I'm definitely most proud of all of the grounding work I managed to do during the mastermind with Tiffany's guidance!”
“I had just signed with my agent and gone on submission for the first time, and I was feeling lost about what to do next.
Building community, strengthened my novel based on feedback from the workshops (particularly the one in romantic tension was so helpful!), and I got started on my big scary revisions!
I definitely was having a rough time being on submission, but the focus on mindfulness and self care helped me get through, and gave me tools to continue to use while I go through this process!
I loved the community building. I met so many authors from different genres and viewpoints, and they were all amazingly kind! I will always love our little cohort.
It's okay to jump into the mastermind no matter where you are in the writing process. I was between projects when I started and I still found the mastermind incredibly useful!
I finished a draft of my second book during the mastermind, and started revisions on that book. I'm definitely most proud of all of the grounding work I managed to do during the mastermind with Tiffany's guidance! Staying grounded while writing is a tough job for me, but the fact that I managed to accomplish that and continue to stay grounded even now that the program has ended is a big win for me.
It just made me so happy that we fell into such a rhythm! I miss those coaching calls.”